Sunday, August 21, 2005

10 ways to make your parents laugh

This isn't too hard, since mom and dad think I'm so cute already. But, here goes:

1) Pretend to be a T. Rex while crawling toward mom or dad (make loud wailing and roaring noises).

2) Play the toy piano with your rear end (just sit on it).

3) Go b-b-b-b-b-b-b with your lips (bounce your lips with fingers while humming).

4) Suck on your toes.

5) Peek around corners.

6) Spit food all over at mealtime (they'll try not to laugh, but you know they want to).

7) Lick. Everything. A lot.

8) Act like your crib is a jail cell (bang your pacifier against the bars).

9) Crawl under low tables and then sit up and bonk your head (not too hard, though).

10) You can't go wrong with a good loud belch or toot.

So, let me know how these work out for you.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Daniela said...

You are one hilarious little kid! I think it's funny that you play the piano with your bum! Have a good day...I'll have to try the sneezing when my mouth is full trick! I think that would work really well with the Sweet Potato Mash my Mom's been feeding me.



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