Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

We made Mother's Day cards for mommy. I had daddy write for me. Here is what I said: "I love you. Thank you for making cookies with me and for making paintings. Thank you for brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. (I actually usually whine about these activities) thank you for giving toys to people who don't have any toys. (Mommy sometimes says she'll give the toys I don't pick up to people who don't have any and would appreciate them!) Thank you for taking us to the park."
After church we went to Mimi's Cafe. We had a reservation, but it still took a long time. The food was really good, I shared the stuffed french toast with mommy. I think Elijah got really tired. Then I said we should go to IKEA, which is next door so we did. I said IKEA is my favorite place to go after a good meal. We got a few things for our next house, but are not taking them out of our boxes yet.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

M & E,
You two were in my dreams last night. I guess I miss you alot more than I realized. Keep taking good care of mommy and daddy. Lots of love.
- Devon


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