Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christmas in the Park

We went to Winterpark twice in two days which is a lot! We went to Christmas in the Park where they have a big choir singing songs like the Hallelujah chorus and other classics, and they have lit Tiffany Windows on display. We got there late, had to find parking and were sitting so far away we didn't have a good view of the choir. But we could hear them, were joined by friends, got to dance around, go see the windows when it was over and even get candy canes (the mark of a successful Christmas outing) from Santa and Ms. Claus. It was kinda fun to that a train came into the station there as were were sining and we all waved as the choir sang Hallelujah over and over! Oh and our friends brought wassail and we go to try it. (Its a warm drink with apple and orange juice and some gingerbready spices.)


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