Wednesday, November 16, 2005

7th toof

After many months enjoying my 6 teeth I decided to add another to my mouth. I now have a 7th tooth, its on the bottom. I continue to take a few steps at a time on my own as my birthday and the arrival of my grandparents is coming soon. I heard mom and dad talking about maybe going to Disney for my birthday and I want to be able to run around there, not be confined to a stroller all day. I mean I'm so cute Mickey might want to take a walk with me! New discoveries this week: I like beef (it's what for dinner), I can maneuver out of the seatbelt they have on shopping carts and stand up, and I can undo velcro shoes and set my feet free. Just three more days and I get to see gramma and grampa! I'm so excited to show them all I can do. Oh, and a shout out to great-gramma june--happy birthday!


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