Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Mom decided to help me record all the words I know. (I say a lot more than what's below but mom and dad can't understand what I'm trying to say.) (I have to train them better.)
Mo (more)
Mo (milk-with different hand signal)
Uice (juice)
Anana (banana)
Cra-ker (cracker)
Chees (cheese)
ahpal (apple)
Eye-day-day (glasses)
Eyebo (eyebrow)
Noos (nose)
Mou (mouth)
Eeth (teeth)
Albow (elbow)
Shuus (shoes)
Ni-ni (night-night)
Doog (dog)
Kitki (kitty)
Ish (fish)
Duc (duck)
Quk (quack)
Dor (door)
Bi-Bi (bye-bye)
Moan (phone)
Oricyle (motorcycle)
Ruck (truck)
Bat (bath)
Ickle,ickle, ickle (tickle, tickle)
ight (light)
Bup, bup (up-up)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

18 months

Monday I turned 18 months old. Mom says she thinks the terrible twos have already started, whatever that means. I went to the doctor today for my checkup. They have fishtanks in the waiting room which I like. They also have a TV and it was playing Bear! I did not like being seen by the doctor so I cried. I am now 32.25 inches tall and 22.5 pounds. Dad counted up the words I can say while we were waiting and figured around 35! I try to learn more every day, but some stuff is hard to say. Mom also got some chewy vitamins for me today, they are shaped like little gummy bears, yummy. I noticed mom put them up very high so I couldn't help myself.

Helpin' in the Kitchen

Mommy and Daddy found this cool mini kitchen that is just my size at a garage sale. I like to pretend I'm cooking, and wash my hands. Mommy let me help with dinner today. She pulled up the step stool for me and I watched her mix the cheeseburger pie, yumm. Then I helped make the salads, I pulled out spinach, and spooned on a little feta cheese and watched mom cut the strawberries. (Guess she's not ready for me to have a knife yet.) I even ate some of daddy's spinach salad at dinner. I did use one of my kiddie forks yesterday to stab and eat watermelon! It was fun.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bearded Lady

Looks like I have a 5 o'clock shadow and it's not even 5! Actually, mommy and I were outside and she warned me not to climb on the patio chairs cause they were dirty. Well one chair is not so dirty anymore.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Big shoes

When I grow up I wanna be just like mommy.
I will get married to daddy and we will have lots of fun. I am practicing now using mommy's shoes. They are black and strappy and make me look a little taller.

Mom's Day

This morning as I was in my crib I thought about how cool it would be to make my mommy breakfast and give her a special card I had made. Then I remembered that I'm only one and am not allowed to cook yet, and those crayons of mine are on top of the armoire out of reach. So I slept in and let mommy get all ready for church before getting up. Mommy got a rose at church and afterward we went out to eat. (Guess dad's not allowed to cook either!) It was good eatin, I shared some of mom's pasta and flirted with a cute waiter.

Birthday Party

This Saturday my friend Charis turned 2 years old. I was invited to her birthday party. It was fun, we finger painted and then we played in her little pool. (My diaper got pretty soggy, but it was worth it.) I'm glad I could celebrate with my friend.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Newest Accomplishments

I can now not only climb into my booster seat (old news) but now I can buckle myself in. I also tried just a little bit of peanut butter on toast the other day, it was yummy. I can also pull myself out of my crib when the side is down and onto my brother's dresser. However, dad just moved the dresser into my brother's room, so I guess I won't be planning any elaborate escapes just yet.


This afternoon mom and dad took my hints and got me out of the house and we went to the park. It was fun, they had a toy car I enjoyed steering and for the first time I went on a merry-go-round. Wheee!

Baby Brother's room

Saturday mom and dad painted what used to be my playroom. Now it's almost ready for my brother's arrival. I really wanted to help paint, but mom and dad said no. (I mean, who better to make a kid's room than a kid?!) It has two nice blue colors on the walls with squares. Now mom and dad are waiting for me to be ready for the big-girl bed so they can move the crib into the baby's room.