Thursday, October 26, 2006

Snuggle time

Yesterday it got down into the 40s overnight. Mom said it felt like Christmas time, since that's usually the only time we enjoy cold weather. Elijah acutally got to wear some of his sleepers. Here we are snuggling under my cat blanket watching Elmo.

Dress up

Mom thinks I'd make a cute shepherd. Anyone want to put me in their living nativity scene this Chirstmas? (If you tuck the blanket behind my ears I make a good Pharoah.)

Monday, October 23, 2006


Last night I slept from 8:30pm until about 7:30 am. You might asume that my parents got a great nights sleep, however Mikayla was up crying several times. She didn't tell me why, but daddy ended up sleeping in her room. Maybe tonight we will both give mom and dad a break.

Sunday afternoon

Mikayla: Yesterday afternoon mom asked dad if he wanted to go out somewhere. So Daddy looked on the internet and found that a church was having a fall festival. It advertised free train and pony rides, petting zoo, pumpkin patch, food, bouncy house and more. So I got dressed up in my Thailand outfit and my squeaky shoes and we were off. It was a lot of fun, there was loud music to dance to, and yes that is me on my first ever pony ride. I held onto the saddle horn real tight. I also got a balloon dog and my face painted. They had a train that I rode with a little boy, it was real fun too! We left a little dusty but we had fun and it was free.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lots of Words

Mikayla: Mom read that most kids my age know at least 20 words. I know about 10x that many! Mom and dad are surprised at all I know. Today I was looking at a book and it had some fish in it and so I told mommy; "memo, memo"- they let me see the movie Finding Nemo a few weeks ago-minus the scary parts. True to my girly girl nature I have started identifying everything that is pink in the house, although I get most of the other colors mixed up. I also know the motions to "Wheels on the bus" -I really like to do mommys part where they say shhhh to the baby. Oh and the photo is me singing "If your happy and you know it"... then your face will surely show it! (In case you are wondering I do have more outfits then these overalls-as they have appeared in my last three blog, but you guessed it mom and dad were trying to get us to take pictures again yesterday.)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Swing time

Mom caught a few smiles from me while I was in my swing today. I had just woken up from a nice nap, but then I had to let her know enough with the pictures, get me out of here.

Mikayla & Charis

Here's me with my friend Charis at the fall festival at my daddy's work. I was telling her all about what it is like to have a baby brother... how you have to share things, and how to make them laugh. Her parents are giving her a baby brother for Christmas. I think she is still adjusting to the idea.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Country Bumpkins?

Elijah: Here we are in our little overalls, ready for the fall weather. Mom and Dad thought they would take a cute pic of the two of us, but we were not cooperating very well. Mikayla: I really didn't want to sit by my brother, and he said it was too close to dinner to smile. I have a feeling we will back in our overalls again soon for a re-shoot. (Mom was holding up Elijah; she just erased out her arm.)

Lizard in the bedroom

Last week daddy found a tiny lizard in the bedroom. We don't know how it got in, but mommy and daddy didn't want it to stay. We found it way up high on the wall near the ceiling. Daddy trapped it when it came closer. Here I am looking at it under the glass. It was so cute, I wanted to pet it, but daddy said no. Now every time I go into mommy and daddy's bedroom I look up near the ceiling to see if there are any more lizards, and I say "lizard?"

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Art Festival

Mikayla: After church today we went to the art festival. There were lots of pretty paintings, however I think I drew more comments than them all. I had on my squeaky shoes and everywhere I walked people looked and said how cute! No, I couldn't sneak away from mom and dad with those shoes on. Elijah slept for most of the festival, but people thought he was cute too.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Army Guy

My friend Emery sent me this cool camo shirt. Can you see me on the changing table or do I blend in? Maybe I can use it to hide from my sister. Now I'm ready to play army with Emery! Thanks!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Little Mike and David?

My friend Wilson Lee came over today with his mommy. He is almost 6 months old now. I am slowly catching up to his size. Check out the August post titled "Small, Medium, Large."

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

2 months old

I had my 2 month appointment today. Got shots, cried a little, the nurses said I had thunder thighs. I am in the 90th percentile for weight, but only the 50th for height. Mom and dad tried to capture a few smiles for a birthday pic.