Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A child's faith

We were going through the resurrection eggs, that explain about the death and burial of Jesus. The 11th egg has a rock in it. I asked Mikayla what the rock meant. She said: Because Jesus is strong. He can lift rocks, and the sun, and the world, but not people or kids. So we talked about how there was a stone rolled in front of the tomb, and how it was rolled away and the tomb was empty. I asked her where was Jesus? She said with the people. Was he dead or alive? He was alive!

Easter Egg hunt

Last weekend Daddy's work had it's annual Easter Egg hunt. Really for our age it should be the egg scramble as we just run and pick up 10 eggs. That part lasts about 1 minute. But we also got to run around with friends, I made some rock piles, and have a picnic lunch. This is my 3rd time here, I'm a pro, but Elijah enjoyed it more this year as we could run and pick up eggs, and eat some candy, not just watch from the blanket. They even had bouncy houses this year. We have some eggs called ressurection eggs that have special things in them that tell us all about Jesus and Easter!

Leu Gardens cont.

Leu Gardens

Daddy had a few days off after working for 9 days straight so we went to Leu Gardens. Daddy caught up on our picture quota. There wasn't too many flowers in bloom but it was fun to run around! Afterwards Daddy treated us to a donut. Mine had sprinkles, yummy.

Daddy's back

Our daddy was gone for a week. In that week mom took us to four different parks-we even got wet on the splash pad, the library, the bookstore, a few stores, to get groceries, to dance class, the mall, we even got to eat chicken nuggets in the car! But I don't think mom took a single photo of all our adventures. We missed daddy a lot while he was gone. I would wake up most nights crying for him, and a few times I thought it was time for breakfast even though it was still night time. As you can see Daddy has some big shoes to fill. When he got back we went to a park and flew kites, it was really windy. We are really glad daddy is back!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bedtime Dialog with Mikayla

Mommy: What songs to you want tonight Mikayla?
Mikayla: ABC's and Twinkle, Twinkle.
Mommy: starts singing
Mikayla: Mommy tickle me
Mommy: continues singing while tickling Mikayla, when finished singing asks Mikayla if she wants to pray
Mikayla: You pray mommy
Mommy: Starts to pray while continuing to tickle Mikayla
Mikayla: (In exasperated tone) Mommy you are not supposed to tickle me while we are praying, only when we sing!
Mommy stops tickling and finishes praying.

Breakfast Dialog

Elijah points to my nose.
Mommy: Elijah say nose.
Elijah: noa, touching his own nose
Mommy: points to lips, say mouth
Mikayla interrupting: Elijah say philtrum, Come on Elijah say philtrum, pointing to her philtrum

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Young Artists

Mommy is working hard to keep us entertained these days. She decided since it was a bath night anyway, and a beautiful day to let us paint. It was Elijah's first time. He preferred to run around, well that's what he did after mom stripped him down to his diaper. He had a little paint on every limb, feet, face, mouth. I guess he thought he was the canvas. I did several paintings. One of a bird, one of angels and one of Jesus. All abstract of course. I used brushes and I used my hands. I love painting! Mommy also dug out daddy's old scooter for me to play with. (One of the kids down the street was riding one and I thought it looked cool.)

New PJs

Mikayla: These are our new sleeper pjs. Mommy got them on clearance! They are so soft. Elijah likes to get on my bed, but can't get up by himself. Sometimes if my big bear is there he will step on him. I've also tried to help lift him, but he is too heavy. So I took my little step stool and put it by the bed so Elijah can get up!