Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Monday's adventures

Yesterday Mom decided to put my hair into pigtails. She said I was so cute, that it made me look like I had little puppy ears. However, I don't think she will put them in again, cause during nap time one of the pigtails came out, and I found the holder and of course put it into my mouth--which is where Mom found it. ( I didn't understand what the big deal was, I put everything else in my mouth!)

I also tried zucchini yesterday, I think it falls into the catagory of: I pass on green foods. I like foods that are orange much better. However if you cover zucchini with yogurt, or something orange--like cheese, then I might eat it without all the unhappy faces. Are all these green foods on the approved list anyway? Mom's gonna let me try fish tonight, I just hope it's not green.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Me & JT

This is my friend Jackson (JT for short). Now, he is really a baby. He was born in July while I was in Michigan visiting my Granpa and Gramma. I look forward to teaching him all kinds of tricks. I think our parents will take us for walks together once it gets cooler, he lives in the neighborhood behind mine. My parents have taken me past his house in my little bike chariot.

This little Piggy... scared me

(Click the picture to see my face better.)

You know that game "This little piggy?" It's where my parents play with my toes, gramma even got me a book that has finger puppets, but this little piggy is sorta creepy. It came at me outta nowhere and bumped into me. I met it while visiting my new friend JT (Jackson Timothy). I guess his dad thought I would like it, but can you see its face? It's one scary farm animal!

Tight Places

I learned today to always think about your exit strategy. I was having fun, exploring and thought it would be cool to get under my exer-saucer, but I got stuck and it kinda, well, freaked me out! Dad came to my rescue but not before they documented my frustration.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Hi Devon

This is the face of excitement! It's the face I make at the prospect of being able to spend time with one of my coolest homies. Devon, we need to have some girl time soon, I can tell you all about my boyfriend EJ! I'll send my parents out so we can have some privacy. (I know where they keep the rice cakes and almond butter!)

6 teeth

Finally Mom is letting me go without a bib around the house! I still like to drool, but not nearly as much as when I was working on getting my teeth in. I have six now, three of the top ones came in at once, I wasn't too happy about it. Now that I have these wonderful teeth I eat all kinds of stuff. Like last night mom made me try broccoli, ug, I came close to gagging, and I think dad almost gagged watching me eat it. I don't think I like green food.

I'm also learning some new moves, watching some WWF wrestling while my parents were not looking, and yesterday I tried a new move. While mom was laying on her stomach I went over and did a belly flop on her. And I can get out of any pin that dad tries on me, although he has the advantage when he tickles me, no fair.

Gotta go, time for lunch, and probably more of that broccoli, ewww.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Saran wrap

The doctor warned my parents that I might soon go through a saran wrap phase. Mom wont give me plastic wrap to play with (although I know I'd like it). However today I decided to try and be clingy. Mom was in the kitchen and so I stood up and held onto her legs, while she was trying to walk around. I thought it was fun, but mom wasn't so amused that her drawstring pants were being pulled down and she couldnt move so fast cause I would fall over. Mom has also started giving me hand signals, I think she wants me to use them too, but they are not secret signals cause she says the word out loud whenever she uses them, so I think Dad will know too.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Inches closer

Today I went to the doctor for my 9 month checkup. I weigh 18 lb 8 oz and I'm 28 1/2 inches tall. (That's the 90th percentile for height!- just a little bit more and Disneyworld watch out, cause here I come). My parents don't know where I got my tall genes but I'll slow down once I meet the height requirements to go on Tower of Terror, he he he. I guess all the strange food that mom and dad make me try is helping. They said I was healthy, not anemic, and milestones, yeah I got them covered. I mean crawling, no problem, I can do speed crawling. I do get to go see another doctor in a few weeks and get a ekg test done, just like daddy did. The doctor wasn't concerned but said she heard a heart murmur and wanted to get it checked out just in case. As long as there are no shots... Oh I almost forgot, mom put this pony-tail on top of my head yesterday, it stood straight up, and actually took me out in public. Good thing I'm cute.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

10 ways to make your parents laugh

This isn't too hard, since mom and dad think I'm so cute already. But, here goes:

1) Pretend to be a T. Rex while crawling toward mom or dad (make loud wailing and roaring noises).

2) Play the toy piano with your rear end (just sit on it).

3) Go b-b-b-b-b-b-b with your lips (bounce your lips with fingers while humming).

4) Suck on your toes.

5) Peek around corners.

6) Spit food all over at mealtime (they'll try not to laugh, but you know they want to).

7) Lick. Everything. A lot.

8) Act like your crib is a jail cell (bang your pacifier against the bars).

9) Crawl under low tables and then sit up and bonk your head (not too hard, though).

10) You can't go wrong with a good loud belch or toot.

So, let me know how these work out for you.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Lessons from my high chair

Water always tastes better if it comes from a straw.

If you don't like a food you have a few options: you can refuse to open your mouth, wait till your mouth is full and then sneeze (make sure you aim at mom or dad), spit it out, throw it off your tray, or discreetly take it out of your mouth with your fingers and hide it like in your hair.

Yogurt makes a great hair styling product. And oatmeal or other food makes a good face mask.

Always hold out for Cheerios.

Beware of strange mixtures, like egg yolk and applesauce. Mom, did you really think I would be fooled? Would you eat it? I didn't think so.

The second bite is always better than the first. (I always make a face on the first bite as my taste buds freak out and wonder what the new food is.)

You can try to save food for later by throwing it on the floor, in your chair, and under your neck in that crease, but mom will probably find it.

For cuteness factor: pucker your lips and try using your teeth.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny

Jenny, Mom told me you have a birthday tomorrow and I wanted to give you a shout out. I'd sing you happy birthday but I dont know the words yet. Hope you have a great day!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Little Bit

Hello my name is Mikayla June, but my grampa calls me Little Bit.

I turn 9 months old soon and can't wait to start walking, correction start running.

My parents love taking photos of me, you can view them at www.nagyworld.com