Mikayla: I love talking. Some of the new things I’ve picked up that seem to ensure a smile from the parents are:
“Yummy to my tummy”
“No way, Jose” (pronounced hoe-zee by me)
“I need Chap-stick” (Yes, I am on the way to being a lifetime loyal customer.)
“See the pictures.” (We’ve been looking at slides of what Elijah will look like when he gets older, they are pictures of my daddy when he was little.)
“I love Clifford too!” ( You know, the big red dog?!)
“Mommy’s turn," or "Opa’s turn," or whoever I want to serve me, I mean, help at the time
Repeating parts of books
Thanking Jesus for the food and saying a big amen
Singing “Jesus loves me this I know.” I can almost sing the whole thing but I also like to do musical medleys and mix in Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Itsy-bitsy Spider.